이화의 AI 신경조절 연구실
이향운 MD, Ph.D
이향운 박사는 이화여자대학교 의과대학 신경과 교수입니다. 이 박사는 정상 또는 비정상 뇌 기능의 네트워크 기반 메커니즘, 특히 수면 및 간질과 관련된 AI 기반 신경 조절에 대한 학제간 연구를 주도하고 있습니다. 이 주제에 대해 이 박사는 최고 수준의 학제간 및 의학 저널에 다수의 논문을 발표했으며, 국제 학술회의에서 발표했습니다. 그녀는 NRF, KHIDI, ITECH, KBRI, AES 및 NINDS를 포함한 조직에서 연구 자금을 받았습니다. 이 박사는 30명 이상의 학생과 박사후 과정을 지도했으며 신경학, 융합 의학, 특히 의료 분야의 AI 응용에 대한 학부 및 대학원 수준의 과정을 가르치고 있습니다.
이 박사는 대한신경과학회(KNA), 대한뇌전증학회(KES), 한국인간뇌매핑(KHBM)의 정회원이며, OHBM(인간뇌매핑기구)의 태스크포스 멤버로 전 세계적으로 활동하고 있다. 이 박사는 또한 이화여자대학교 의료원 내 산학협력센터와 메디테크 연구소(의학 및 기술을 개발하고 모든 임상적 요구를 해결하기 위해 의과대학과 공과대학이 결성)의 소장을 맡고 있습니다. 이화여대 교수진에 합류하기 전 존스홉킨스대학교 의과대학에서 박사후 연구원, 국립보건원 NINDS 임상 펠로우, 예일대학교 의과대학 방문교수를 역임했다.
팀을 만나다
우리 연구실 구성원은 의학, 컴퓨터 의학, 의료 및 생물의학 공학, 심리학, 신경과학 등의 다학문 배경을 가지고 있습니다.
Song E Kim, Ph.D
Research Professor
PhD in Medical Science, Ewha Womans University School of Medicine
Research interest: epilepsy, sleep disorders, neuroimage
My main research topics are neurobehavioral alterations in neurological disorders and brain aging process in population data, using multimodal neuroimaging-electrophysiologic data (e.g., fMRI, EEG, and evoked potential recordings) in human.
Sungeun Hwang, M.D.
M.D. in Neurology, Specialty in Epilepsy & Sleep disorders
Clinical Assistant Professor, Ewha Womans University Mogdong Hospital / M.D. & MSc from Seoul National University
Research Interests: neurology, epilepsy, sleep, clinical neurophysiology, electroencephalography, intraoperative monitoring
Sora An, Ph.D
Key Collaborator / Research Professor
PhD in Electronics Engineering, Ewha Womans University
Research interests: Large-scale brain network modeling, multimodal neuroimaging
My main research topic is to understand brain disorders and improve the modulation efficacy of brain stimulation therapies through the in-silico approach based on brain network modeling.
Yun Seo Choi, Ph.D
PostDoctoral fellow
PhD in Medical Science, Ewha Womans University School of Medicine
Research Interests: neuroscience, electrophysiology, neuroimaging
My main research topic is the mechanism of epileptic hippocampal subnetwork using microelectrode array system. Our current research examines ways to effectively suppress the epileptic discharge in temporal lobe epilepsy animal model, using optogenetic stimulation.
Chang Hyeon Park, Ph.D
Sol Ah Kim
Graduate student in Medical Science / System Health Science & Engineering Major, Ewha Womans University
Research Interests: neuroscience, electrophysiology, big-data analysis
My main research topic focuses on rat brain stimulation, memory, and cognitive function. Our current research addresses electrical stimulation, optical stimulation, behavioral testing, and molecular testing.
JiHye Lee
Graduate student in Computational Medicine / System Health Science & Engineering Major, Ewha Womans University
Research Interests: computational medicine, sleep, neuropsychiatry, neuroimaging, AI-based application
My main research topic is to analyze brain waves, brain images, and biometric data using machine learning. I am currently conducting research on analyzing the relationship between sleep quality through biometric data and sleep questionnaires.
Aram Cho
Graduate student in System Health Science & Engineering Major, Ewha Womans University / R.N. & MSc from Ewha Womans University
Research Interests: computational medicine, sleep, neuropsychiatry, neuroimaging, AI-based application
My main research topic is the effects of sleep on cognitive function, brain volume, and lifestyle. Currently, I am interested in how sleep-related variables can affect the brain subregion volumes and cognitive function.
Doctoral Student
PhD candidate
Hyeon Jin Kim, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, Korea University Ansan Hospital
Research interests: Quantitative EEG analysis, Sleep, Circadian rhythm, Aging
My main research topic is to study the framework of quantitative analysis for brainwave spectral dynamics during sleep. My research focuses on the practical basis for daily lifestyle modification and disease prevention.
Integrated Master's and Doctoral student
Maithreyee Devi
Graduate student in Computational Medicine/System Health Science & Engineering Major, Ewha Womans University/ M.B.B.S(Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, Chittagong University, Bangladesh.
Research Interests: computational medicine, sleep medicine, clinical neuropsychiatry.
My main research topic is
to examine the influences between sleep quality, brain morphology and cognition;explore the influence of age , gender,physical activity,lifestyle modalities etc. among healthy individuals as well as sleep breathing disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea.
Younghyun Lee
Master’s in Artificial Intelligence Convergence, Ewha Womans University
Research interests: Artificial Intelligence Convergence, Deep Learning, Brain aging, Cognitive disorders
The main research focuses on extracting features from brain imaging images using artificial intelligence and early detection of brain diseases such as dementia.
Juhyeong Kang
Master’s in Artificial Intelligence Convergence, Ewha Womans University
Research interests: Artificial Intelligence Convergence
The main research topic is to apply artificial intelligence (AI)-based algorithms to virtual brain modeling with biosignals and to estimate efficient treatments through sleep EEG analysis.
Jieun Park
Master’s in Artificial Intelligence Convergence, Ewha Womans University
Research interests: Artificial Intelligence Convergence, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Multi-modal AI
The main research topic is to predict brain age through MRI using artificial intelligence and compare brain age differences by various clinical factors.
Seoyoung Lee
Master’s in Artificial Intelligence Convergence, Ewha Womans University
B.S degree in Computer Science & Engineering major, Ewha Womans University
Interested in automating discrimination of disorder with AI and computational modeling of brain network.
Currently, my research focuses on developing statistical processing methods for epilepsy seizure data.
Eunku Bae
Graduate student in Artificial Intelligence Convergence, Ewha Womans University
Research Interests: Representational learning utilizing Graph Neural Networks (GNNs)
My main research topic is to explore complex human brain connectivity to estimate cognitive behaviors using Graph Neural Networks with the in-depth processing of functional and structural data derived from sMRI, dMRI, and fMRI
Eun Ji Yang
Master’s in Artificial Intelligence Convergence, Ewha Womans University
Post-Baccalaureate Researcher
Eunji Cho
B.S. degree in psychology and statistics, University of California, Berkeley
My main research topic is on utilizing big-data analysis to analyze neuroimaging, epilepsy, neurodegenerative disease, and sleep disorders. Currently, my research focuses on exploring memory function based on hippocampal subfield volumes in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (TLE).
Undergraduate Intern
Esther Mikyung Nam
Undergraduate student in the Department of Psychology, College of Liberal Arts and Science, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
My current research interests are the neurological and cognitive underpinnings of language and their relevancy to neuropathological disorders.
Undergraduate Intern
Donghyun Kevin Kwak
Undergraduate student in the Neuroscience major, Princeton University
Research interests: cognitive neuroscience, neuropsychiatry, clinical neuropsychology, brain plasticity
I aspire to explore the neurobiological links between the brain and environmental stimuli. My research aims to identify specific healing benefits of art that conventional methods such as brain surgery or psychiatric medication may not achieve. Specifically, my research intends to explore the psychiatric significance and therapeutic effects of art activities using the traditional artistic media comprising 紙 (paper), 墨 (ink), and 筆 (brush) – collectively known as Ji-Pil-Muk, influencing cognitive perception and reshaping the human perception structure.
Project Manager
Yoonjeong Lee
Major in Health Administration
Research Interests and Role: big-data management, common-data model, administration
Introduce graduates & colleagues who researched together in Lee's lab.
Chaewon Kang
Master's Degree(2022)
YuJaung Kim, Ph.D
Research Professor
Alexa Young
Product Manager
Robert Rose
Product Designer